What is Share A BIT

Share A BIT is a cross platform file sharing app. It is written in Java with JavaFX. So, if an operating system can run Java (which all major Operating System does), you can use Share A BIT in it.
Moreover, Share A BIT has an Android Client, which makes it way easier to share file to your phone from you pc and vice-verca wirelessly. The Android app can also be used to share files betweeen two android phones.

Why use Share A BIT

There are many file sharing apps already exists at present. Then why do we need another file sharing app?
This question brings me back to the situation when this app was not developed. I use both my laptop and phone. I mostly watch Series & Movies or read PDFs in my phone. But I download all these files in my Laptop. So, I had to connect my phone with my PC many times. But you know, connecting everytime, selecting, copying, pasting, then again disconnecting, not so exciting. So, I thought of creating this app.
Moreover, unlike the most popular file sharing app in our country, “Shareit”, is not a file sharing app anymore. Full of Advertisement, Annoying Notifications and Videos, Extra Ram Usage running in Background, all are visible. Although, they have a PC client (Windows Only), it doesn’t help, I mostly use Linux.

Some Features

  • Minimal Design
  • LightWeight App
  • Share betweeen Android Phone and PC
  • Share betweeen Android Phone and Android Phone
  • Share betweeen PC and PC
  • No need to stop using internet(via wifi) while sharing
  • More Speed with Multi Threaded Share (Send-Receive Simultaneously)
  • No unnecessary Permission, Receive files even without Permission
  • Enhance your Privacy, always welcomed to review this Open Source Project
  • Share Files even doing other stuffs in other apps
  • Expand your sharing range with both connected to wifi (this effects speed)

How to use

To share data with other device, they must be connected to the same network (via WiFi or LAN).
You can use your mobile hotspot in that case. But it’s a little bit tricky. The Mobile in which Hotspot is turned on, can only be RECEIVER., To send file from the mobile in which hotspot is activated, Start Receiver from that device and Sender from Other Device, without selecting any file select sender (Hotspot device). After the connection is Established, send files from any Device.


  • Just download the latest “apk” from below, install
  • Before installing, you have to check [ Allow Unknown Sources ] from Settings > Security
  • You may encounter this alert dialog while installing: Blocked by Play Protect Blocked by Play Protect, As I don’t have a Play Store Account, this may pop up. Just Tap [INSTALL ANYWAY]
  • Enjoy


  • To use Share A BIT in Computer, download the latest .jar for your PC java version file (with run.bat) from below.
  • You must have Java 8 or above in your computer. It is recommended that you use Java 8 as the program is compiled with JDK 8 and it includes JavaFX with it (except Open-JDK).
  • Whatever Java you use, you must ALLOW Java through Firewall, to do that, Search for “Firewall” in start menu, Go to Firewall and Network Protection > Allow an App through Firewall > [Change Settings] > Allow Another App > Browse java.exe ; Network Types [V] Private > [Add]

For Java 8

Download Oracle JRE 8 and Install in your Device.

  • After installing first try to double click open the jar file.

  • If the app doesn’t run, double click run.bat

  • If none of these above steps doesn’t work, edit the java-8.bat file and then open:

Fifth Line:

set JAVA_PATH="<java.exe path location>"

For example, I have Java 8 installed in C:\jre-1.8, java.exe is located in C:\jre-1.8\bin\java.exe and my downloaded Jar File’s name is Share-A-BIT-0.9.0-beta-PC-java-8.jar then, run.bat file would be:

:: Edit this batch file to run in your PC, For JAVA 8
@echo off

:: Set JAVA_PATH to your java.exe (Java 8)
set JAVA_PATH="C:\jre-1.8\bin\java.exe"

%JAVA_PATH% -jar "Share-A-BIT-0.9.0-beta-PC-java-8.jar"

For Java 9+

I have only tested Java 11, not sure for others :( As Java > 8, doesn’t comes with bundled JavaFX, you have to download JavaFX for you Java Version and OS from here: JavaFX
After downloading and extracting, edit the java-8.bat file:

Fourth Line

set JAVA_PATH="C:\java 11\bin\java.exe"

Ninth Line

set JFX_PATH="C:\javafx\lib"

For example, I have Java 11 installed, java.exe is located in C:\jre 11\bin\java.exe, JavaFX lib directory in C:\java-fx-11-windows\lib and my downloaded Jar File’s name is Share-A-BIT-0.9.0-beta-PC-java-11.jar then, java-11.bat file would be:

@echo off

:: Set java.exe file Location, just use 'java' if already set as PATH variable
set JAVA_PATH="C:\jre 11\bin\java.exe"

@echo off

:: Set JavaFX "lib" folder Path in your Computer
set JFX_PATH="C:\Users\Asus\Documents\javafx-sdk-11.0.2\lib"

@echo off
%JAVA_PATH% --module-path %JFX_PATH% --add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml,javafx.graphics,javafx.web -jar "Share-A-BIT-0.9.0-beta-PC-java-11.jar"

Windows can not find other device or can not be found in same network

This problem occurs when java is not allowed through Firewall. The solution is here

Android can not be used in sender Mode

Make sure, both your devices are connected to the same network. Note that, if you use Hotspot for your connection, that device must be in Receiver Mode. If nothing helps, you can use Receiver Mode which device will send files and reverse to the other. After connection is made, anyone can send and receive files.

Download Links

Latest Release : v0.9.0-beta (19-07-2020)

All Releases

Known Issues

  • Sometimes in Sender Mode from PC, it can’t find Phone or Other Devices. In that case, try Other Device as Sender and the PC as Receiver, When connection is established, send file from that PC. I’m working to solve this issue. If doing all that steps, still file can not be transferred, try restarting your PC.


  • Android Android Android

  • PC Android Android